And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature
Mark 16:15
Risen Christ Ministry is called to proclaim the gospel of Christ and the belief of Christian faith. To maintain in the worship of God. To inspire in all persons a love of Christ, a passion for righteousness, and a consciousness of their duties to God and their fellow human beings. We pledge our lives to Christ and covenant with each other to demonstrate His spirit in worship, witnessing, and ministry to the needs of the people of this church and community.
I am Pastor Danny Lebron Sexton Sr. , located in Chattanooga,Tn. I have been happily married to my beautiful wife, Jamesetta Sexton. We have been blessed with four boys that we have raised into strong God fearing men. Growing up in church, I always knew and understood who God was. At the age of 21, I accepted Christ in my life. Soon after, I was baptized and God took complete control over my life. At the age of 24, I felt God was calling me to hold a position in the church and I became a decon. I served that role until Christ made His purpose for me very clear .At the age of 57, Christ spoke to me again. Christ told me He wanted me to become a pastor and spread the gospel to world. That has been my purpose every since and I will continue to serve with everything in me until Christ call me home.
Harold Sexton Sr.
Mary Sexton
"I baptize thee in the name of the father the son and the Holy Ghost", those were the words said to me before pastor Charles Woods dunk me under water at the young age of 13.
That 13 year old boy was saying to the 60 or 70 people in attendance that night that he was ready to serve God, his God as he knew Him. Fast forward to today, at 62 ,my goal is the same . I’m ready to serve God, my Lord and my savior. I have served on the Usher board, sang in the choir and served on the deacon board all in an effort to advance the the Kingdom. He has blessed me with a wonderful wife who shares a passion for God. Mary and I share 42 years of marriage and God has walked with us every single day. Together we have raised 4 beautiful children and they all have a wonderful relationship with God.
I am in awe of how well God stands up for me and my family, I’m like David when he ask the question what is man that God is so mindful of. Imagine having the honor to talk(prayer)to the God that created the whole universe and he talks to us hallelujah! Prayer is very important to my daily routine I feel the presence of God through out my day. I know that no matter what we are going through prayer is the answer.
Ashley Sexton
Hi, I'm Ashley! I have always been curious about the Word and loved reading the Bible and watching the Bible stories come to life in the animated Jesus series. I was lucky enough to be born into a family who made sure to engage us as kids and made sure we understood the lessons. I am also lucky enough to have had my own experience with the Lord, I don't believe simply because I was told to.
I stumbled upon teaching the youth by accident. I found out that God had given me the gift to present His Word in a way that kids could understand it and apply it to their lives. Kids today face so much, it is my honor to be able to point them to the only ONE that will save, protect, and love every time.
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